潮州市枫溪区松泰陶瓷厂位于着名中国瓷都——潮州。本厂**生产陶瓷花盆,陶瓷财神、陶瓷观音、陶瓷佛像及陶瓷工艺品,产品风格*特、造型精巧、款式多样产品款式新颖多样,做工精致,深受国内外客户的**。 我们一贯以“质量**,客户至上”为服务宗旨,竭诚欢迎各客商光临惠顾,携手合作,共展宏图! Chaozhou Songtai Ceramics Manufactory is located in Chaozhou,which is well known as the Ceramic Capital of China. We specializes in producing the God of Ceramics Wealth, Goddess, Buddha, technical ceramics and ceramic gifts, We Products with novel and various designs and exquisite workmanship are popular with clients both at home and abroad. Our factory insists on the service principle of"Quality First and customer Foremost”.Welcome clients to visit us establish business relationship with us mutual success.